Minute Quest Wiki

Weapons Shop - This shop sells weapons and has a large sword for a sign. Each shop sells a different set of weapons, and finding a new weapon shop allows for upgraded weapons to be bought at the previous shops. The upgrade increases attack but nothing else. Shop can also be used to equip already bought weapons.

Armor Shop - This shop sells armor and has a large shield for a sign. Each shop sells a different set of armor, and finding a new armor shop allows for upgraded armor to be bought at the previous shops. The upgrade increases defense but nothing else. Shop can also be used to equip already bought armor.

Skill Reader (Bathroom) - This shop will tell you what abilities you have based on the Active Skill of your monsters and/or equipment.The building itself is a bathroom, which is a white building with a blue Men's sign and a red Women's sign above. Inside is the building owner which is a poop sitting on a toilet.You can also click a button at the top of the screen to propose a new combination of pet that will give you at least 1 skill (it's a basic way to discover good combinations).Can also be used as a place to completely change all equipment and pets.

House - Houses will restore the player to full HP for a price. Price increases with the players distance, but houses at the same distance will always ask for the same amount of money. Price will not go above your current funds. This can also be used to completely change all equipment and pets.
